Candidate Declaration Form (CDF) Guide
Modified on: Tue, 31 Dec, 2024 at 6:17 PM
What is a CDF Form, and Why Should You Fill It?
The Candidate Declaration Form (CDF) is an essential part of the recruitment process. It ensures that your details are accurately captured for verification, security, and further interview process. By filling in the CDF, you're confirming your identity, and details, and providing authentication that will be used for onboarding or the next steps.
How many CDF Forms do you need to fill out?
As a candidate, you will have to fill in two CDF forms. Below are the two forms:
CDF-1: This form will capture your basic details along with your photograph. Please ensure that you complete this mandatory form in its entirety before the interview.
Below are the fields you will see in the form:
Candidate ID
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Number
Your Live and Scanned copy of your photograph.
Note: You will only need to capture and upload the photograph, the rest will be auto-populated.
CDF-2: This form will be included in your interview invite to capture any remaining details. Please ensure the form must be submitted before the offer is finalized.
Fill with your educational qualifications.
Gender field.
Date of Birth.
PAN details (To be added only if it is not available)
Previous employment details.
How will you receive the CDF-1 form?
CDF 1 form will be shared with you in two ways:
A separate invitation with an embedded link (refer to the screenshot below).
In some cases, the recruiter may have embedded the link directly within the interview join link.

What Should I Do After Receiving the CDF-1 Link?
Open the email and click the CDF-1 form link.
You’ll be prompted to capture a live photo and upload a scanned copy of your photo.
The Candidate Declaration Form (CDF-1) will include certain details that have already been filled in by your recruitment team, and you won’t be able to edit or change this information. This pre-filled information includes:
Candidate ID
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Number
These details are pulled directly from the company's system, so make sure they are correct.
What if My Details in CDF-1 are Incorrect?
If any information in the form appears incorrect, don’t worry. Please follow these steps:
The fields on the CDF-1 form are prefilled by the recruiter and cannot be edited by you or Talview.
For any corrections, please contact the point of contact (POC) you’ve been in touch with.
You can find the recruiter’s details in the CC field of your invitation.
Who will receive a CDF-2 form?
Candidates invited for a technical or HR interview will receive a link to the CDF-2 form sent to their registered email address. Please ensure that you fill out and submit the form before your interview to avoid any delays in processing your application, or immediately after your interview to facilitate further processing.
What Should I Do After Receiving the CDF-2 Link?
Open the email and click the link to the CDF-2 form.
Fill in your educational qualifications.
Enter all your previous employment details matching your resume. Make sure you double-check these entries to avoid any discrepancies.

Unable to locate my “Previous Employment” in the list?
If your previous employment name is not in the list provided. Follow the below steps:
Click on the dropdown
Type “Others”
Scroll to the bottom.
Select others
Click on the “+” symbol to add additional employer details.
If all other fields have been completed, click on submit.

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