
The "Form Already Submitted" error can occur while filling out the Candidate Declaration Form (CDF). This issue generally arises in two common situations, preventing candidates from progressing with their application or interview process.

Common Reasons for the Issue

  • System Update Delay: If you complete the form right before the live interview, the system may take around 30 minutes to process the submission. During this time, the form might not be recognized as submitted.

  • Duplicate Submission: The error can also occur if a candidate has submitted another CDF form within the past 90 days. The system identifies this previous submission and flags the current one as redundant.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Step 1: Wait for the System to Update

  • If the form was submitted right before your interview, allow up to 30 minutes for the system to update the submission status.

  • Details: This system delay often occurs due to backend processing, so giving the system time to recognize the submission can resolve the issue without further intervention.

Step 2: Contact the Support Team

  • If waiting does not resolve the issue, contact the Talview support team. They can manually adjust the invitation status, allowing you to proceed with the interview.

  • Details: It is recommended to call the support team to ensure the issue is resolved promptly before the scheduled session time.

Step 3: Check Previous Submissions

  • If you have already submitted another CDF form within the last 90 days, you may skip filling out a new form and proceed directly with the live interview.

  • Details: The system allows candidates to use their previously submitted form for up to 90 days without requiring resubmission.

Additional Tips

  • Keep Confirmation Records: Always keep a record of your CDF submission confirmation to avoid confusion or unnecessary resubmission.

  • Check Interview Timing: Fill out the CDF form well in advance of your scheduled interview to prevent issues caused by system update delays.


By following these steps, you can resolve the "Form Already Submitted" error in most cases. If the issue persists, contacting the support team will help ensure timely assistance and allow you to complete the form or proceed with your interview.

If the problem continues to persist, we recommend submitting a support ticket along with a screenshot of the error for further assistance. You can raise a ticket by clicking here.